Zero Fox to Give (Misfit Shifters Book 1) Page 3
I just hadn't expected it to be at two o'clock in the fucking morning.
Fucking morning.
Judging by the twitch against my ass, a fucking morning was exactly what it was going to be. Evan’s hands moved from my hair to my breast, his fingers capturing my nipple in a tight pinch that sent me arching deeper into his brother's erection...
"Guys... Not... Oh god..." I moaned again, the words caught between a plea and a warning as I desperately tried to stay quiet.
"Shhh, we don't need your daddy to hear," Owen said, his free hand pulling the blanket down to expose my breasts, making my free nipple perk just as he pinched it with his other hand. Both bits of pressure against the tiny nubs of flesh making me writhe and my back arch.
"We want to be with our mate," Evan hissed in my ear, his hands gripping my hip, pressing my ass into him again. Although this time the long, hard rod of his cock slid between my legs, his flesh sliding against my wet desire, and he moaned a bit, sliding over my entrance and over my clit as though he was fucking me. God, each motion of his cock against my clit was doing nice things to my body.
All of the flames that our connection caused washed over my body and radiated into my bones. It swelled in my belly in a pressure of want and need that flooded between my legs and allowed Evan's cock to slide against me with more ease.
"Fuck," He hissed, Owen looking up at his brother. Although he didn't release my nipples. "You're wet tonight, mate."
I let out a sound that was half purr, half yip at the title; the knowledge that these two were mine an electrical storm of its own.
"Yeah?" Owen asked, one of his hands leaving my nipple to slide over my belly, over the soft tuft of red hair that crowned my pussy and let his finger burrow between my lower lips. Right to my clit that was already soaking thanks to his brother’s slow dragging thrusts against me.
"Christ, kitten," Owen moaned, his voice low as his eyes sparked yellow. "If I didn't know any better, I would say you want your mates inside of you."
All I could do was moan, the touch of his finger as it circled my clit, the pressure of Evan's cock as he continued to slide against me, teasing my opening was enough to make me want to swallow him whole.
"Kitten," Evan said, his cock slowly rubbed as he gripped my hips, tilting me just enough that the head of his cock perfectly aligned with my opening. "Do you want your mates to fuck you?"
His cock slid into me half an inch. Owen's fingers swirled over my clit in a firestorm that was making it hard to think. Hard to find words. I tilted my hips, bending my knee to spread my thighs and give them both greater access. I tried to tilt more, to take Evan's cock into me, but he pulled away, Owen's pleasurable fingers slowing to a stop, even though he didn't stop pinching my nipple. If anything, he pinched it harder, like it was some kind of punishment for not answering them.
"Do you want us to fuck you?" Evan repeated, the head of his cock twitching against my opening as I moaned, twisting my head to see his mischievous grin, the wide, crooked smile, and dimples, possibly the only identical thing that the twins had. Everything else was different; the shade of their eyes, their hair, their build, their cocks.
"Yes, please..." I finally answered, the thought of those big, beautiful cocks pushing me over the precipice. "I need you both. Now."
The two smiled and gave each other a look, Evan's cock twitching again.
"Where do you want us, Kitten?" Evan asked, even though he was slowly beginning to press his hardness into me. His cock spread me as my pussy lips hungrily swallowed him. He was wide enough that I could feel every ridge of his cock as he filled me.
"Do you want me to fuck your tight little pussy?" Owen asked, reminding me of another possibility as to why I could feel both of them so acutely.
"And I'll fill your ass..." Evan added on, his dick twitching inside of me as he soaked up all of that wet and prepared himself to enter me a different way.
The tight pucker of my ass clenched, my back straightening as I pulled back a bit, Evan's cock still inside of me as I looked from one mate to another.
"My ass?" I asked in nearly a squeak. "That didn't go so well last time."
In fact, it had hurt like a motherfucker. Evan had fucked me hard after that failure. Owen watched his brother pump in and out of me as he had pushed one finger, then two into my other opening. Even with just one finger the pleasure that had rippled through me was intense. I wanted more; I just didn't know if I could take it.
"We have to practice. Then you can perfect it," Owen said, his fingers finally leaving my nipple to tap against my clit once, sending a jolt of pleasure up my spine before he reached around, cupping and spreading my ass as Evan pulled out. The dripping head of his cock pressed against the exposed pucker of my ass.
"You are our mate, kitten," Evan said, his fingers soft as they fluttered over the skin around my ass, the touch only adding to the pleasure that was rattling everything. "We would like to take you as one. Be one with you."
I was shaking again, all of that electric fire shimmied through me as his touch moved down to scoop up the wet that was dripping from my pussy to spread it against my opening.
"Will you let us try?" I didn't know which one of the brothers had spoken, but it didn't matter. The room had turned into a whirlwind of colors, the air full of the scent of lust and sex as Evan pressed the tip of his finger into my ass and sent me shuddering. "Please."
I moaned and shook as his finger moved in, spreading me the tiniest bit. It was still enough for me to lose it.
"Yes," I was amazed I was able to get the word out.
"Good," Owen whispered, kissing my nose before Evan pulled me back into him, rolling away enough that Owen was able to lay on the bed, his nakedness stretched before me, his cock already raised to attention in need of his own place to burrow.
Maybe this time would be the time.
Evan rolled back. The bed creaked under the weight of three grown adults as Owen shifted to the center, holding me against him as Evan kneeled behind me, hands spreading my ass in preparation.
"Damn, this is beautiful," Evan said, smacking my ass a bit and making me jerk, which in turn sent Owen’s cock right between my legs, the flesh sliding against the tip of my clit. Shit. Luckily, he wasn't touching me or I might have lost it already. "This beautiful ass is mine."
He smacked me again, Owen chuckling as I jerked again, my body sliding against his as I began to sweat in eager anticipation.
"Tilt her up," Evan commanded, his hands on my hips as he lifted me, Owen following with him as he moved my knees to kneel. Owen's arms were still strong as he held me against his chest. It was just my ass that was in the air, all of me spread and exposed.
"Be careful," I pleaded, suddenly scared as Evan began to spread the wet over my ass, over his cock in preparation.
"Kitten," Evan whispered, his voice soft as Owen began to trace lines of comfort over my spine. "I know you will love this; I know that you will love my cock in your ass. But we can take all the time we need. If I cannot fuck your ass today, we will try again tomorrow."
"This is on your terms," Owen added, as if the softness of his voice and the comforting touch of his hands could sooth away the harshness of Evan’s.
Not that I minded it, there was something about the way he spoke. The way his voice growled in ownership and control that sent shockwaves of desire flaring over my exposed flesh, as if my pussy had its own electrical current.
I wanted to be dominated.
I wanted to be fucked in the ass.
"Fuck my ass, Evan," I moaned, pressing myself against Owen as I prepared for his entry.
The burning pain of his cock spread through my hips as he began to move his way into me—
“What the hell is going on?”
Everyone jerked and jumped as the loud boom of my father’s voice broke into the darkness of my room, the hall light flicked on and flooded the room with light.
Flooded everything with light.
y breasts, and two cocks, one aiming at my ass like some kind of erotic missile. It was all fully exposed.
“Shit shit. Shit, shit shit shit!” Shit shit, shit shit shit shit. Shit shit! Shit shit shit shit, shit shit shit shit.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit,” Shit shit, shit shit shit. Shit shit. “Shit Scarlet, shit shit.”
Shit, shit.
“Scarlet? Shit, Scarlet!” Shit, shit shit shit...
“Scarlet!” I jerked at my dad's scream, the fury on his face pulling me out of the shit storm that was drowning my head. “Are you listening to me?”
He had said something. I knew he had said something because he was staring at me expectantly and I was only blinking at him.
“Yes, dad?” I asked like he had shown up for tea and not to witness my two a.m. DP.
My brain finally turned on as the twins did, all of us jumping while I looked from the door to my dad in confusion. I could have sworn I had locked that thing.
“What in the ever-loving frack is happening?” My dad’s yell rang through the room as the twins scuttled away, desperate to find clothes or something to cover their deflated erections. Evan ended up with a frilly pink pillow in front of his junk, Owen a ceramic fox with a bonnet and a yawning mouth. The expression was not helping.
“Who says frack?” Evan said under his breath, both of them immediately starting to titter. Evan’s laugh duplicated at the sight of Owen’s open-mouthed fox and quickly traded out a pillow for his own ceramic erection cover., He chose a fox that looked far too innocent for the massive member concealed behind it. Not that it was big enough to cover it in the first place.
“Answer, Scarlet!” My father boomed, pulling the twins’ focus. Everyone shut up.
God, he looked like he was going to explode.
His face was redder than a beet, his hands were fisted at his sides as he shook and fumed. I was half-expecting steam to start pouring from his ears.
“What is going on?” He repeated, like he couldn’t figure it out on his own.
“These are my—”
“Jessica!” He screamed over me. Guess he didn’t want an explanation anyway. He was bringing in the guilt trip.
So much for a friendly pit stop and some traveling money.
I was doomed.
My mom yelled something incoherent back, the sound of doors and floors in the old creaky farmhouse screaming in my ears as she bolted her way toward us.
I pulled the pale pink comforter against my chest like some kind of nakedness shield against the parental wall of doom we were now facing.
My mother stopped dead in her tracks, eyes going wide before they went red and angry. God, they looked like two demons condemning me to hell.
Which was probably exactly what they were thinking.
“What is happening here? Scarlet?” Mother asked, red hair bobbing in a knot atop her head as she stared me down.
Some kids walk in on their parents having sex and are traumatized for life.
I never had that. Hell, if it wasn’t for my existence, I wouldn’t be sure that my parents did have sex.
I think I would have gladly taken that awkward moment in my life over this.
This was hell.
You don’t know an epic ‘you’re going to hell stare down’ until you know it from god-fearing parents.
Well, I knew, coming in here, that I was playing with fire.
Hellfire, it turns out, and I was going to get burned.
Here goes nothing!
“Mom, Dad, these are my mates, Evan and Owen.” I ‘Vanna-Whited’ my hand toward the boys behind me, who were now thrusting their junk, and their ceramic foxes at each other like they were engaged in some epic ceramic-fox-cock battle.
As if getting walked in on by my parents wasn’t bad enough, they were cockfighting.
And that wasn’t the worst of it.
“Mates! Plural?” My father was yelling again, my mother’s hand to her chest as she gasped like an old southern lady wilting in winter. “This is not possible, Scarlet. You do not speak such blasphemy in our home!”
My dad bellowed like he was bringing the hellfire all on his own, the room shaking from the volume and sending both ceramic foxes to the floor with a clatter.
My mom was officially hyperventilating, looking from naked mates to me as if she had never seen nudity before.
“Yes, mates. You know what a mate is,” I continued looking between them as my temper began to boil and my fox yipped and snarled inside of me at the supposed threat. “I just have two instead of one. It’s not a big deal.”
“We came in a pair anyway,” Evan said, winking at me and nudging his brother.
“Everything’s better in two,” Owen added, both of them breaking into laughter that was quickly silenced.
“Scarlet, you have brought sin into our home,” my father boomed, ignoring the twins altogether now, my mother still fanning herself as she forced herself to look anywhere but at my boys.
“This is sacrilege, and it will not happen under my roof. This ends now.” He was red-faced, looking at the twins as he pointed to the window as though he had finally figured out how they infiltrated the house like the wanton demons of the night he clearly thought they were.
Yes, because a good fuck is a one-way ticket to hell.
I rolled my eyes. I knew they were being ridiculous, even if they didn’t. I may not agree with everything they do, but they had taught me a few things.
“I know this isn’t your way, but it is mine. I won’t bring them into your home again. We can stay in the apartment above the garage…”
“You will do no such thing. This is sin, Scarlet, and you will bring us all down to the hell you have created for us unless you answer for it.”
“What?” I shrieked, my veins turning to ice as what he was saying sunk in. The twins had stopped swinging their cocks around when they heard the shriek in my voice and were staring between me and my parents in confusion.
I turned, silently begging them to run. They didn’t move an inch.
“Our ways are divine, and you have been raised to respect them. The Alpha…”
“So, don’t tell him,” I offered, stepping forward to try and push my case. “We’ll be gone before you know it, then there’s no harm.”
Dad zeroed in on me with a stare that could kill baby squirrels and ran his fingers through his graying hair a little too violently. “Scarlet, you’ve given us no choice. We will not hide you; we will not answer for your sins. We will not be banished from this pack for keeping this information from him.”
He moved before anyone else could, his hand tight around my arm as he pulled me from the bed, from my room, out the door, and towards that damn mansion at the top of the street.
The one I had always hated, the one with the large red letters printed over its door.
“Face the consequences of your sin.”
I had been in this building once before. It was when I had talked back to my father and the Alpha had spanked my bare ass with a paddle for twenty minutes while every member of the pack told me how I had shamed them.
I had never disobeyed after that.
Sitting here, tied to a cold metal chair as the rest of the pack filed in with differing levels of disgust on their faces was bringing all of that shame back.
Adults of all ages filed in, followed at last by the Council that was made up of staunch old men whose days of shifting were numbered, and whose opinions had been shaped by a decade long gone.
They were dressed in long, black robes and white ties that were starched so stiff they might as well have been helicopter blades sticking out from their necks. They turned up their sagging noses, wrinkled eyes crinkled as they fell into the high-backed chairs whose velvet upholstery was worn thin in places.
And then they stared.
They all stared.
They stared, and the room went so quiet that the chill alone co
uld have had its own sound: a hollow whine that was pulling me into oblivion.
Or, that could have just been my own heartbeat in my ears, thrumming so fast that it was just one low note.
After what felt like forever, the large doors behind me banged open, my father and four other large men strutting in, my father leading the way as the others carried the twins in.
Carried because I wasn’t sure they could walk.
They hadn’t been given any clothes and were instead covered with bruises and swelling eyes that screamed so loud my fox was gnashing teeth against my heart.
“You bastards!” I yelled, pulling and dancing in the chair until the feet slammed against the cold stone floor. “What did you do?”
“It’s okay, Scarlet,” Owen whispered, his voice slurring as a trickle of blood found its way past his swollen lips. “It’s okay.”
“It’s damn well not okay,” I shrieked, still fighting against the ropes and the chair. “What did you do? Who gave you the right?”
No one said anything, they just stared, slight smiles tugging at their lips as they waited for the last person of the faux trial to arrive.
“I did,” the cold voice followed the twins in, the slaps of his shoes sending stabbing pain up my spine. “I beat them, and I’m the only person who can give any right to anyone.”
His slick tremor of a voice drifted over the room, and he made sure the twins were tied to their chairs before making his way to me, a red-tinted cloth moving against his knuckles as he wiped the blood from them.
“I can do as I please, Scarlet.” The tall, lean man hadn’t changed throughout my whole life. One stare, and I felt as though he was stripping me to the bone, seeing everything with the power he had claimed came from Oberion. I knew that was a lie now, but my spine didn’t, my nerves didn’t. Both were still reacting like the guy had the power to send me to the inner circle of hell. The tall, bearded man circled around me once before sagging into his chair, the biggest chair of them all.