Zero Fox to Give (Misfit Shifters Book 1) Page 20
“Is that how you got this?” I reached up to touch his eyepatch, but he caught my wrist again in his strong, calloused hand. He leaned in and nailed me with that steely baby-blue-eyed gaze. “You keep playing with danger, little wolf. You get so close to things you have no business closing in on. Do you like danger, little one? Do you like playing with fire?”
"Ye—No." I croaked out an answer, but it came out more like a mouse peep. Wulf chuckled, unfolding himself to stand over me, the strong man towering over me. I looked up, intending to lock eyes with him, but getting lost halfway, lost in the piece of him that was far too close. Too large. And slowly growing stiff.
My lower belly warmed, everything tightening and heating as his cock continued to stiffen, to lift. To point right at me. My face emblazoned with fire as he took my free wrist in his other hand.
“Since you seem to like that, I have half a mind to take you into that freezer and tie you up. Hang you from one of those hooks and show you what I really want to do with you."
Oh, fuck no. There went any arousal I had been feeling.
"Really? You catch me staring at your junk and that's the most erotic thing you could think of? The literal place I just told you I’m terrified of?" He had been looking at me longingly, eagerly even. But that smacked the look right off his pretty, scarred face. "You try to take me in there, asshole and I'll kick your balls so hard you’d be coughing up cum for a week. That little plan of yours is not sexy, and I'm not interested.”
A groan, low and buried came from him and he jerked forward, hooking me underneath the arms and lifting me up, pinning me between the cold door to the freezer and his hard body. His hips slammed into mine, his bare body glued against me.
“I love that streak of sass you have in you. It’s like a flame that I get to ignite over and over again." He leaned into me further, his stomach against mine. Then his chest, then his cheek pressed against mine, his voice a hot wind in my ear. "I like a strong female.”
“Stop calling me female,” I said but wasn't able to even convince myself that I was serious. I didn't push him away, I didn't move, I just turned my head, our eyes meeting.
“Why? You are clearly a female. You look like a female. You smell all-female," he took a deep breath, his nose running along my jaw as he breathed me in. "An aroused female," he added, his hand lifting to cup my hip, sliding around my back to push me into him more. "Why don’t you like being called what you are?”
"I just... I want..."
"What do you want, female?" Before I could answer, he grasped my hips in both hands and lifted me again, spinning me around to set me on the cluttered desk. Placing me right on the edge.
"What do you want, Scarlet?" He spoke my name like it was poetry, the gruff line of his voice gone as his hands left my hips, sliding over my thighs and pulling my legs up against him.
Holding my knees, he leaned forward, his almost feral wolf scent filling the air as his own arousal sent my fox into a frenzy. I reached up to grab him, to pull him closer, but he grabbed my wrists, his large hands pushing me away.
“Still, female, I am stronger. Always remember that.”
God above, this man had my core pulsing with need. Something about the way he seemed always on-edge, like his animal was just a breath, just a millisecond away from revealing itself and eating me alive.
“I am stronger, more powerful. I’m a hunter, and I take what I want. I eat what I want. And right now, I want to eat you." I pulled against his hands, but he squeezed tighter, holding me in place as my mind went through every horrific possibility, waiting for him to shift into his wolf and devour me.
Then his eyes darted lower, darted to my spread legs, and the feast that was already open for him.
"I think I am going to eat you now." He announced, one hand still tight against my wrist as the other slid down my body. He kneeled down, and his free hand pushed the crotch of my shorts to the side, baring me.
"Delicious," he moaned, breathing deep as he kneeled and leaned toward me.
I could fight. It wouldn't take much to break my hand from his grip, kick him in the chin, and get out of here. But watching him sniff at me, feeling his powerful grip on me... Gods forgive me, I spread my legs for him.
I opened myself up for him.
And with a grunt, he leaned in and ate me.
The hot, wet touch of his tongue flicked against my clit and I gasped, his low chuckle vibrating his tongue as he traced a line from my clit over the ragged desperation of my entrance, down to my ass and back again.
"Wulf," I moaned, his hands leaving my wrist to slide over my waist and grip my hips, the paper and clutter on the desk rattling as he pulled me closer. Closer to his tongue that was lapping at me, tasting me, the wolf moaning in delight at the taste of me.
"Never thought I would like the taste of fox so much," he whispered as he lapped at me, his tongue pushing into me as his teeth skimmed over my clit. The combination of teeth and tongue bringing me closer to that edge that I could never really keep myself from tumbling off of.
Wulf pulled out of me, nipping and biting at my clit and bringing me even closer to that edge.
He flicked his teeth against me, tongue twisting over my opening as he gripped me, as he brought me closer.
God, I couldn't control it. The feel of him as he devoured me was too much.
"Oh god! I'm coming. Fuck!" I tried to pull away at the warning, but Wulf just brought me closer. Closer, and then he tossed me over the edge.
I couldn't stop it. I wanted more of it. Of him. All of him.
Screaming, I bucked against him, trying to escape the flicking of his tongue, but he wouldn't let go of my hips. He continued to nip and lick and suck as I came, as he drank up my wet and I threw my head back yelling my pleasure to the ceiling and to the long streak of green sludge that was plastered there, from the alley door to the freezer.
Holy shit.
I collapsed into my bed long before the sun came up in the morning.
I was so blissed out from being with Wulf last night that I hadn't even taken off my shoes. Hell, I didn't even care that the taste of myself was on my lips thanks to the parting kiss that Wulf had given me. I just curled up between my twins, shoes on, panties soaked, and fell asleep dreaming of taking Phoquin to see the slime on the ceiling... and being eaten out by all of them in turn.
I had been sexed up so many times in the last twenty-four hours that the sex dreams were inevitable. I woke up wet after having slept so deep that even my twins couldn't wake me, although I’m not sure they tried. Judging by the mess in the kitchen however, they had made coffee, and they were never quiet when making coffee.
By some miracle, however, they had left some in the pot.
"Sweet baby cookie monster," I gasped, inhaling the aroma like it was a lifeline.
Throwing my hair up into a messy top knot I poured coffee, added creamer, and made my way down the creaky stairs to where I could already hear the twins laughing. The Vagile Ajna had quickly become their favorite place, especially since we’d been let into the secret back room. Although they were using it for more than just sex toys. As long as they hadn't been using too much of it we would be okay. I had the book and a whole list of subjects.
Coffee in hand I donned my last clean pair of cut-offs and my last long-sleeved Henley that must’ve been from middle school judging by how tight it was and made my way downstairs.
As I opened the door, however, I stopped dead in my tracks. The store was full, and not with Poetry's usual customers. The twins sat in their usual place, at the low round table, perched on those fluffy poufs that dotted the floor. Although this morning the Tarot cards were left scattered, they were busy laughing with the last person I would have ever expected.
Wulf who was laughing and drinking coffee like he was at a tea party. The weirdest fucking tea party ever.
Who tossed me down the rabbit hole?
I half expected Wulf to be wearing a giant green top hat, but he was wearing clothes for the first time since I had seen him. His V-neck and jeans were making this whole self-control thing that much harder to breathe like a normal human being.
"I'm telling you, with all the power he has there is no way he could be beaten!" Owen proclaimed, hands in the air before smacking them down on the tiny table and sending a few tarot cards to the floor.
"That depends," Wulf began grabbing his coffee mug and chugging it down with much more force than was really needed when drinking coffee. "Are you thinking of this as a mortal world or a supernatural world? Because a person is influenced by their surroundings and it could tip the scales." Wulf stated.
"Ooo, I hadn't thought of that," Evan leaned back in his chair, forehead pulled up in thought. Damn. I don't know what they were talking about, but it was deep. Afterlife philosophies are some shit, I didn't think the twins had it in them, but it was endearing.
“Um...good morning?” I said tentatively, sipping on my coffee as the door to the upstairs shut behind me with a soft click.
"Good morning!" Owen beamed, rising from his chair and sweeping over to me, planting a kiss on my cheek.
"Well, afternoon," Evan piped up, rocking back and forth in his chair precariously. He must have the balance of the gods because if that was me, I would have fallen on my ass by now. "We were starting to wonder if you would ever wake up."
"Leave her alone," Wulf grinned as he wink-blinked at me and sent everything from my knees to my neck into a fish-flopping tango. "She had quite a night."
I could feel the heat rising over my skin, a blush coloring my cheeks. All three of them smiled at that, which could only mean one thing...
"You told them?!" I rounded on the bastard wolf, who just grinned and lifted his coffee mug to me in a mockery of a toast.
"I told them nothing. They could, however, smell it on me, including that one," Wulf knocked his head toward Poetry, who I hadn't noticed until that moment. The lady was glossy-eyed as she sucked on her pipe, watching all of us like we were an old school soap opera. "I just came to give you this."
Wulf pulled the tiny black book from the pocket of his far too tight jeans, wagging it at me. Of course, I would forget the one thing I broke into the butcher shop to get. At least I hadn't left a red bra or panties behind, mostly because I hadn't been wearing them, but still.
"Thanks." I stomped across the room, reaching for the book which he held back with a grin.
"Not so fast." Damn that man, he was holding my book hostage, and I still couldn't find it in me to be mad at him. Not when he was looking at me like that. "It appears I have been brought into your little cock party, and if I'm in, that means I'm all in."
"Ex-excuse me?" My focus darted from him to the boys who were sinking into their chairs with giant grins on their faces.
"Where's my good morning kiss?" Wulf answered with a bass chuckle that set my thighs on fire. We would need several sources of caffeine if I was to keep up with three mates—four? Shit.
I stepped forward, watching all of them just as intently as they were watching me. Well, I guessed I had found the soap opera that Poetry had been waiting for, because she perked up, sipping on her tea as she watched me with wide eyes.
Before I could bend over, Wulf rose up, hand winding around my waist as he pulled me up into him. His focus was like a burning flame as he stared into me, inches from my face. Waiting for me to close the gap.
I moved in to give him a nice peck, but he wanted more, his other hand compressing my chest against him as he kissed me, tasted me. As I devoured him. And damn it all, the twins were whooping and hollering. God, having more than one mate made me weird enough, but having the twins as two of them definitely made for an interesting time.
"There. Happy now?" I said a bit more breathlessly than I had intended and wiggled out of his arms as those damn twins began to hoot and holler.
"Aw, fuck off," I half snarled, giving them each a kiss on the top of their heads before sinking into the chair that Owen had pulled out for me. He always seemed to turn gentlemanly in the strangest moments.
"And then there were four," Poetry sang, as she swished through the store, watching us with wide eyes as she smoked on her pipe and sipped on her tea, disappearing beyond her beaded curtain as she mumbled something about unwanted prophecy. The word prophecy made my stomach spin.
She had said she had a dream about a man with an eyepatch and talked about broken glass leading us to what we needed.
She was two for two now.
"Does that mean I'm a member of the Scarlet pussy club?" Wulf asked, and my eyes snapped from the curtain to glare at him.
"It is NOT called that." It was really hard to keep myself from yelling. He just chuckled. He was clearly joking but he still got kicked in the shin anyway. The guy didn't even flinch.
"Looks like you're in," Evan chuckled as if me kicking people in shins was some kind of initiation. I would have to be careful who I kicked from now on.
"Although you will have to change your opinion on Superman," Owen strangely didn't seem quite as happy about the new addition. "'Tip the scales.' Really? There is no universe in which Lex Luthor beats Superman."
So much for them having a deep conversation about an existential crisis.
"It'll take a lot to convince me. I refuse to believe that anyone is infallible. Do you want me to prove that to you, cat?" Wulf said the word with more of a snarl than I had heard from him, and then it only just hit me.
Cats and Dogs.
Damn. My mates were cats and a dog. This was going to get messy.
"Do you even know enough about Superman to know you're right?" Owen asked, leaning over the table and getting himself a bit too worked up given the subject matter.
I should have known that he was more of a superhero guy when he couldn't hum the Star Wars theme correctly.
Wulf leaned back in his chair while shrugging. “Superman is the man who is super. And man is more powerful than super.”
Owen snorted and chucked a piece of muffin at him. “Next thing you'll be telling me that you're equal with Nick Fury? I mean, you two have some things in common.”
Wulf looked at me as though he wanted me to explain, but I wasn’t touching that one with a ten-foot pole. It was bad enough he wouldn’t tell me the where’s and how’s of that eyepatch.
Evan, on the other hand, dug the point deeper. “Yeah, you’re both...dangerous. And well, there’s the obvious.”
Wulf still didn’t get it.
First on the list when we had time: re-watch all the Star Wars movies so they could properly wield their dildo lightsabers and be movie-correct at the same time.
Second, make Wulf watch the Marvel movies so he could see exactly why he and Nicky Fury were alike.
You know, after we solved this fucking murder and I got the mark off Wulf’s back since I was the one who put it there in the first place.
"Oh, the murder!" I yelped, jumping in my chair as I answered my own thoughts. All three boys turned to me; eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "We have to solve the murder!" That didn't seem to help. I downed the rest of my coffee and made a sound that might have been more of a growl and stuck my hand out to Wulf. "Book. Now."
His face pulled down as he slapped the tiny thing into my hands, the look on his face tightening my shoulders. Why did he look afraid? It was a book. Unless... the image of big red letters spelling out 'THE MURDERER IS: WULF' ran rampant in my mind and I sucked in a breath, flipping the book open.
Blank pages.
"What?" I turned pages furiously, flipping from one plank page to the next, and the next, and the next. "What the hell?"
"Yes, I found that out last night," Wulf said, that same guilty look in his eye. Well, maybe not guilt, he almost looked sad. Like he had failed. "The twins said something about invisible ink..."
"But we can't get it to appear," Owen grabbed the book from me, flipping to a page in the middle that
was still a bit damp from whatever they had done to it. "So, unless you have to piss on it to get it to appear, we’re at a loss."
I snatched the book back from him. "We aren't peeing on it! Besides, isn't that a dog thing?"
"Oh no! Leave me out of this!" Wulf threw his hands up, nose wrinkled in disgust as his scars bunched together.
"Your choice," Evan shrugged, who had obviously been in on this plan. Wulf looked terrified. "But unless we pee on it, we have no clues."
"Shit." He was right. I leaned back on my chair, head back as I stared at the ceiling. Same as last night when I had found the slime. "Green slime. We have the green slime." I said simply.
"Are you suggesting we follow the trail of sludge? That's not enough to go off of. Not if we don't know who he was fucking—" Evan cut himself off, the chair he was sitting in falling to the ground as he stood and walked toward the beaded curtain of Poetry's back room. The room full of drugs, sex, and probably some kind of rock and roll, if my puritan parents where to be believed.
"Oh Poetry!" Evan called, knocking on the doorframe.
"What are you—?" Owen began but was cut off with a wave from his brother. Hot damn, I don't think one twin ever did something without the other picking up on their cosmic signals. I leaned forward in my chair.
"Poetry?" Evan called again, knocking just as the beads parted and my aunt appeared, circled by a halo of grey smoke.
"Yes?" She drawled and shoved what looked like a full roll from her baker friend into her mouth. "Huff cuns Ee Heps Ooo?"
She grinned, leaning against the doorframe as her eyes flicked from guy, to guy, to me.
"Poetry, you know this town," Evan began again, although Poetry still stared at me, blowing lazy smoke circles in my direction. "You know every person, and I am assuming you know who was fucking who."